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  • Writer's pictureDavid Liang

League of Legends

To become the champion of a generation. To revolutionize the world and bend the very essence of life to your will. To devour the last of all opposition and bring everyone, everything, to its knees and obey your every order. League of Legends seems like such a simple game on the surface, merely a battle between groups of five players, but the lore beneath reveals much to be sought and learned.

League of Legends is a strategic MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) where two sides of five people are able to level up over time and eventually fight with each other. With a total of 151 champions in the current update (as of 16 November 2020) and more being constantly added, a wide array of different games can be produced. Not only this, every champion has a same set of items that they can purchase to specifically tune their champion to become stronger and counter the enemy.

Developed by Riot (hereby referred to as Rito as it is the more popular namesake), League of Legends has been a popular game for over ten years, breaking records and topping charts. It was able to hold the number one game spot before Minecraft and still maintains a player count in the millions. Many eSports events revolve around League of Legends and millions of USD are on the line every time a major tournament is held.

One of the major reasons why this game was able to explode to the top is because of how easy it is to run. While having so many different variables, every game is different and requires different elements to win. Even with all the gameplay aspects, you can still play it on a computer from years back with no modifications. It's skill ceiling isn't low as well, requiring a mastery of many different sets of knowledge in order to play the game effectively.

In recent days, Rito has been receiving more negative media due to players feeling like they are no longer testing and putting as much care into developing the game as they were before. Several of their recent updates to the game have introduced game-breaking bugs and overpowered champions that almost make it unplayable and slowly convince more and more players to stop playing.

The gameplay of league can be split into four different sections: Top, Middle, Bot, and Jungle. While Top, Middle, and Jungle are generally played by a single champion, Bot is played by two, respectively called the ADC and Support. A standard game of League can last anywhere around twenty minutes but there is really no actual range. A game of League can last as long as players are playing and neither team has won while it can also stop early via a surrender.

League of Legends is free, only requiring an email to sign up. The total game size is around 15 gigabytes. Many top streamers all are playing League and you can play as well. Join the fray today without any experience and enter the world of League of Legends.

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