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Welcome to Team Trees, my very own passion project filled with unique and engaging content*. Explore my site and all that I have to offer; perhaps Team Trees will ignite your own passions as well.

*No research is put into any articles**.

**I reserve the right to be wrong in any article.

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Brought to the surface by the same who released League of Legends, Valorant is a first-person-shooting game where groups of five face off...

League of Legends

To become the champion of a generation. To revolutionize the world and bend the very essence of life to your will. To devour the last of...


Such a time comes like the rise and fall of Rome ever since the dawn of all classics. A history as a journey through the lifetime of an...

Among Us

A popular game that recently ascended to the limelight, Among Us is a multiplayer game that relies on deception and discernment. Groups...

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